Gentlemen of the Road
A vintage 20's - 40's style swing band that will blow your socks off with their unique arrangements of modern tracks
The Brass Kings
Inspired by the sounds of the streets of New Orleans, The Brass Kings will certainly live any event up
Dan Burnett - Piano Vocalist
Dan Burnett is one of the UK’s leading piano vocalists. It’s in his blood.
A Touch Of Paris
Jazz, Swing, Gatsby, Parisian Themed Ensemble
Vintage Explosion
When Only the Best Will Do - It Must Be Vintage Explosion
The Baby Blues
An Authentic Swing Band Playing Your Favourite Rat Pack & Soul Tunes. You Even Get A Choice Of Singers..
Campbell Considine
Campbell 'The Guvnor' Considine. King of cool and Sultan of Swing.

Paddy the office dog