Rocktail Party
Rocktail Party take the very best of 80’s rock, and revive it in all its hairographic, tight-jeaned glory!
LA Heat!
Bringing The 80s Back! With Rock Anthems and Pop Classics - Guaranteed To Rock Any Event
The Essential 70s & 80s Show
A Wonderful Tribute to the 70s or 80s (or both!)
Rubix Cubes 80's Tribute
Leg warmers, Roland Rat, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Knight Rider...bring back memories?The Rubix Cubes 80's tribute band are the band to book!
Flash - A Tribute to Queen
This Shropshire based Queen tribute show is a must see!
80s Whammy!
The 80s, Wham & Duran Duran - All Part Of One Incredible Show

Paddy the office dog