In our never ending quest to provide our clients with the very best in live entertainment we feel we've excelled ourselves with this simply stunning show - a tribute to the most controversial, cutting edge performer in the world today - Lady Gaga!

To do this properly requires a massive talent from the performer tasked with recreating the essence of Lady Gaga. Jenni Jaye is the Queen of the tribute world - justifiably recognised as one of the premier performers in the field.
When Jenni undertakes a tribute, entertainment buyers across the UK sit up and notice - and with this accurate tribute to Lady Gaga, she's done it again.
The 45 minute show can be complimented with dancers or why not combine two fabulous performances in one and add a brilliant Beyonce tribute giving your audience 1 hour and 45 minutes of massive hits performed with talent and enthusiasm.
This is the most current, most groundbreaking and most in demand tribute you can hire today. Contact us now for a chat about your requirements - either email or as Gaga would prefer - telephone!